A Miracle of Biblical Proportions | The Tom Hughes Report – Hope For Our Times


… Jews being regathered into the Land seemed impossible, until it happened.
… The modern Nation of Israel being reborn in one day (May 14, 1948) seemed impossible, until it happened.
… Israel has continually + successfully fought Arab enemy attacks for decades—against impossible odds.

Bible prophecy tells us that:
💙 the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” aka “70th Week of Daniel” aka 7 year Tribulation period begins when Israel confirms a covenant with Antichrist = Israel exists at that time—yet until a few hundred years ago, this seemed impossible.
💙 now that Israel’s final regathering has started, nothing will stop it.
💙 Israel will continue to be prosperous up to + including the early part of the Tribulation period—eventually becoming a major cause of the Ezekiel 38-39 War with Russia, Iran, Turkey + coalition = jealous of + coveting Israel’s wealth for themselves.

On April 13, 2024:
… Israel Defense shot down 99% of everything that was thrown at it—yet no one died. That’s a miracle!
… Iran mustered all its might trying to smash Israel in one blow—but failed miserably.
… God defeated the Midianites of Gideon’s day + again on April 13 before our very eyes = we witnessed a miracle.
… Iran’s attack was the largest salvo of technological sophistication + explosive missile/drone power in a single stroke + ought to have caused considerable damage (170 drones + 120 surface-to-surface ballistic missiles + 30 cruise missiles). Yet miraculously, no fatalities.
… Israel’s missile defense, even under optimal conditions, expects to stop 90% incoming—falling far below 90% or even breakdown entirely under unprecedented bombardment. Yet this time = 99%—glory to God!
… Most of the missiles/drones were shot down before entering Israeli airspace + many fizzled on their Iranian launch pads = duds from the get-go (despite Iran’s highly trained missile experts + Russian, Chinese, N.Korean expert help). Talk about a miracle!
… Israel’s response days later = only a few missiles—which all penetrated Iran’s highest defensed areas = miraculous hand of God.

Dr. David Reagan quote: 
“The most prolific prophecy in the Hebrew Scriptures is that in the End Times,
God is going to regather His people from the four corners of the earth, in unbelief.”

… Israel’s national rebirth + return of the Jews to the Land are happening now—completely unprecedented in world history = miracle of such vast proportions that it makes the parting of the Red Sea seem small. OT prophet Jeremiah said the Jewish people will look back on their history when it’s over/done + no longer swear by the God who delivered them from Egyptian captivity. Instead, they’ll swear by the God who regathered them from the 4 corners of the earth. It’s the same God, but what that means = they will look back on history + consider what’s currently going to be a greater miracle than even their deliverance from Egyptian captivity. 
… Yet the average Christian has no concept of the importance/significance regarding Israel’s miraculous regathering happening right before our eyes = because most churches choose to ignore this greatest miracle since Christ’s resurrection. Christians around the world should be pointing to it as a testimony to the reality of God + truth of the Scriptures. But too many church leaders choose to explain away the Bible (replacement theology) instead of rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
… Anti-Semitism has been worldwide for millennia—erupting in WW2 Nazi Germany + now almost 80 years later (October 7th 2023) when Hamas attacked Israel = one of human history’s most shameful acts of aggression. Demonstrations erupted on college campuses almost immediately. BUT instead of condemning the brutality or even asking for the release of hostages, they blamed the whole thing on Israel—saying the Jews in Israel were colonizers + even that it never even happened. 
… We’re now witnessing the greatest threat to the Jews in all world history with whole nations threatening Israel = worse than Nazi Germany—which was localized to German influence.
… We’re watching the alarming rise of anti-Semitism—like birth pangs coming upon a pregnant woman = as the Bible describes. 
… Poland is not the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people. They were pushed out of their homeland 🇮🇱 in 70 AD + dispersed world-wide due to persecution + pogroms. Poland was where 90% of Jewish people wound up in Nazi ovens or mass graves. 
… Protesters say colonizers should leave America + go home (claiming this land belongs to the Native Americans). Why don’t they tell people of Irish or French descent to go home? They’re only saying it to the Jews. 
… In reality, the Jewish homeland = Israel—the ancient land of their fathers where Jewish ancestry is traced back 4,000 years = they’re NOT colonizers. Where ELSE are they supposed to live??? But that’s the hardcore point of anti-Semites + why they chant “from the river to the sea” + uphold Hitler’s gas chambers + openly say zionists don’t deserve to live = the ancient hatred is back in full force. 
… Right now, what’s going on with attacks against the Nation of Israel + against the people located in geographical Israel + against Jews as individuals worldwide = End Times Bible prophecy for the Nation of Israel + the whole world. Everything is happening exactly as the Bible describes = proof the Bible is true + trustworthy. 
… But the Bible also tells us there’s hope (the only hope) = the Lord Jesus Christ. 
… Christ’s 1st Coming = prophecy true + fulfilled exactly as the Bible says.
… Today, we’re watching everything converge just as the Bible says—with Israel at the epicentre = proof the Bible is true + that Jesus is our only hope for our forgiveness of sin + salvation + eternal life. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me.” The Bible says we’ll be judged for our sins. Trust Christ TODAY—don’t show up on Judgement 🔥 Day with your sins showing!!! 🙏✝️🧎

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A Miracle of Biblical Proportions | The Tom Hughes Report - Hope For Our Times
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